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All Sermons


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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
11/24/24 Gratitude - Col 26: 7 - Abounding In Thanksgivings Randy Jamerson N/A Sun AM 24112403-Grattitude-Col26-7-AboundingInThanksGIVING-RandyJamerson.MP3
11/20/24 How To Speak And Encourage Each Other And Lay Aside Every Burden Through Christ David Harvey N/A Wed Worship 24112002-HowToSpeakAndEncourageEachOtherAndLayAsideEveryBurdenThroughChrist-DavidHarvey.MP3
11/17/24 How We Can Know Jesus As Our Advocate - I John 2: 3-6 Randy Jamerson I John: Complete Joy Sun AM 24111703-HowWeCanKnowJesusAsOurAdvocate-IJohn23-6-RandyJamerson.MP3
11/13/24 We Are Replaceable: How Will You Help The Next Generations Elijah Bittle N/A Wed Worship 24111302-WeAreReplaceable-HowWillYouHelpTheNextGeneration-ElijahBittle.MP3
11/10/24 Avoid Sin - Stop Sinning - Advocate When We Repent And Confess Our Sins - I John 2 Randy Jamerson I John: Complete Joy Sun AM 24111007-AvoidSin-StopSinning-AdvocateWhenWeRepentAndConfessOurSins-IJohn2RandyJamerson.MP3
11/06/24 Preaching Promises Rex Bittle N/A Wed Worship 24110605-TheBlessedWayTheGospleIsCampaignedVsPoliticalOnes-RexBittle.MP3
11/03/24 Knowing Light Where There Is No Darkness Randy Jamerson I John: Complete Joy Sun AM 24110303-KnowingLightWhereThereIsNoDarkness-RandyJamerson.MP3
10/30/24 Something Simple Noah Bittle N/A Wed Worship 24103002-SomethingSimple-NoahBittle.MP3
10/27/24 That Your Joy May Be Full - I John 1: 1-4; 5: 13 Randy Jamerson I John: Complete Joy Sun AM 24102702-ThatYourJoyMayBeFull-IJohn11-4-RandyJamerson.MP3
10/23/24 Strict Judgment, Mercy, and Peace That Passes All Understanding Elijah Bittle N/A Wed Worship 24102302-StrictJudgmentMercyAndPeaceThatPassesAllUnderstanding-ElijahBittle.MP3
10/20/24 Ecclesiastes 11-12 - Remember The Creator In The Days Of Your Youth And Aging Poetry Randy Jamerson Ecclesiastes Sun AM 24102003-Ecclesiates11-12-RememberTheCreatorInTheDaysOfYourYouthAndAgingPoetry-RandyJamerson.MP3
10/16/24 Are We Living In A Tent Of DisconTENTment? 2Peter 1: 12ff Michael Cain N/A Wed Worship 24101605-AreWeLivingInATentOfDisconTENTment-MichaelCain.MP3
10/13/24 The Absolute Certainty Of Death - Ecclesiastes 9: 1-10 Randy Jamerson Ecclesiastes Sun AM 24101303-TheAbsoluteCertaintyOfDeath-Ecclesiates92-3-RandyJamerson.MP3
10/09/24 Being Better Prepared Helps Us Appreciate What's Coming Ahead Rex Bittle N/A Wed Worship 24100902-BeingBetterPreparedHelpsUsAppreciateWhatsComingAhead-RexBittle.MP3
10/06/24 Forgiveness - As God in Christ Forgave Us Randy Jamerson N/A Sun AM 24100603-Forgiveness-AsGodInChristForgaveUs-RandyJamerson.MP3
10/02/24 How Christians Should Act When Putting On The New Man Seth Bittle N/A Wed Worship 24100202-HowChristiansShouldActWhenPuttingOnTheNewMan-SethBittle.mp3
09/25/24 The Seven Things God Hates Seen In Jesus' Betrayal And Crucifixion Elijah Bittle N/A Wed Worship 24092505-The7ThingsTheLordHates-JesusSufferedAtCrucifixion-ElijahBittle.MP3
09/22/24 How We Can Defend And Teach The Gospel From Personal Loving Convicted Standpoint Elijah Bittle N/A Sun AM 24092203-TeachingWithGodlyEdifyingFromKnowledgeWithFaithAndLove-ElijahBittle.MP3
09/18/24 How Does Your Daily Success Line Up With Your Ultimate Goal? Michael Cain N/A Wed Worship 24091802-HowDoesYourDailySuccessLineUpWithYourUltimateGoal-MichaelCain.MP3
09/15/24 Better Wisdom - Ecclesiastes 7: 1-8 Randy Jamerson Ecclesiastes Sun AM 24091503-BetterWisdom-Ecclesiastes71-8-RandyJamerson.MP3

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